Nestling Page 6
The contestants found it hard not be intimidated by the fact that the most powerful figures in the county would be watching their performance.
The rewards more than made up for it. One hundred kilograms of essence stones, a noble ranked defensive talisman and a specialty pill to help with ascension to the Lord Tier and that was just for the third place contestant. The winner of the event would get a three times as much essence stones, a third of which would be attributed stones of his or her affinity. In addition, there would be a proper defensive noble artefact as well as a Regal Tier offensive technique not to mention three of the barrier breaking pills.
It was more than enough for the contestants to get red-eyed. Three hundred essence stones, that was a lord’s ransom to say little of the regal technique and noble artefact.
Soon the participants of the consolidated first tier tournament were called up. Valerian stood up and walked up to the stage surprising those around him. There were a total of thirteen of them. As a group, they went up and drew lots to decide which groups they would be in and who their first opponents would be.
Valerian looked down at his piece. He was in group one. The largest group. Given that there were thirteen participants and only four groups one had an extra member – his. The matchups were quickly announced and put up on a large notice board that hovered over the stage for all to see.
Match One: Valerian of the Steelborns vs Daniel of the Greater Mountain School.
He looked at it wondering who the Daniel was, aware of the many eyes gazing at him. Being the only unknown amongst this year’s contestants, he expected it. His sharp ears caught some of the questions and conversations being had concerning him. They made him smile. Few knew anything about him. The rest wondered what he was capable of. He would be happy to show them.
The referee marshalled the other competitors off the fighting stage leaving Valerian and his opponent as the only ones besides himself still on it. He reminded them that they had five minutes to prepare but Valerian waived the opportunity. His opponent, however, did not. The burly man he now recognised as Daniel rushed back down to confer with his mates and handlers.
When the time run out, the burly man clambered up the stage. As he reached the top a member of his team rushed up to whisper something into his ear that caused his face to turn into a scowl. Leaving his team member behind, he stalked up the stage. His steps picking up a furious gait.
In a moment, he stood before Valerian allowing Valerian to properly appraise him. Steelborns were naturally heavyset but this guy was huge. Valerian doubted he was truly below twenty-five.
Daniel stood perhaps two point four metres tall, with a shaved head and a full, dark beard. His muscles were thick and corded, bulging obscenely on his gigantic body.
Obviously, he was very proud of them since he wore no shirt. In fact, besides his vambraces and baggy trousers, he did not seem to have anything else. Valerian could not help but wonder at the standards of the Greater Mountain School. Then, the giant spoke.
“I have been informed that you are supposedly some sort of once in a millennia, gifted array master. Is that true?”
‘Huh!’ Valerian mused. ‘His voice is softer than I expected.’ Outwardly he gave a small nod.
“I see”, the man stated. “Let me give you some advice. Fighting is not the same as whatever it is you do. This tournament is not something you can just sign up for willy-nilly. We spend years training and preparing ourselves for it. Now, I’m not sure how you qualified but it would be in your best interest to just forfeit and go back home”.
Valerian ignored him. Turning to the referee, he signalled for him to start the match. Obligingly the referee did so.
“FIGHT!” the man yelled.
His opponent, however, ignored the order. He was infuriated by Valerian’s casual dismissal. Nothing he had said was untrue. He had trained for years in the hopes of marking his place with the Zebre. This year he turned twenty-five meaning he was ineligible for any following tournaments.
Imagine his surprise when he saw who his opponent was. From the information his school had, there were to be only two Steelborns competing yet here was a third. Quickly, they scrambled to gather whatever intel they could in an attempt to improve his chances of winning.
The one who whispered in his ear conveyed what they had found out. His opponent was an up and coming array master. Some homegrown, homeschooled, half-crippled pansy who spent his time arranging glyphs and making pretty lights.
Everyone knew the Steelborns were making a power play. Clearly, they put this boy in their midst to remind everyone that they had produced … was it the youngest array master in the century? Not wanting to waste his time he tried to get the boy to quit for his own good instead of becoming a pawn in whatever game was going on behind the scenes.
He had been ignored. Daniel hated being disregarded. After a brief lapse, he calmed himself. ‘Some people did not know how to recognise the good intention of others’, he told himself. That was okay. He would show the brat the error of his ways soon enough.
Valerian watched as his opponent’s face went through at least four colours. He never knew faces were that expressive. It made him glad for his training. With that in mind, he took two steps forward and executing a picture perfect bow he announced himself.
“I am Valerian, son of Valiant. Surnamed Steelborn, Dual force possessor, Array master of the first circle, Circle master of three attributes, Arcane Disciple of the metal and wind attributes, Tellurian Practitioner of the same, Scion of the House of Cragsveil. May we begin?”
His opponent mumbled something unpleasant under his breath. He hated pretentious brats like this one.
“I am Daniel “Fury Palm” Tenor, Tellurian Practitioner of the earth attribute, A Representative the Greater Earth School in this tournament”, he answered.
Valerian nodded calmly as this confirmed something for him. Avery had been right. He was going to face titled cultivators in this tournament. Titles were symbols of power. Appellations granted to cultivators who had distinguished themselves. They granted a bit of insight into their styles and specialities.
For example, Jonas’ title was Burst Blaze due to his talent in explosions. Richard’s was “Stalwart Spear” for his superior spear and shield skills. A title was a mark of a true cultivator. A sign that he or she was recognised in his or her chosen field. One may choose a title for his or herself but it would not be official until it was acknowledged by his or her peers and superiors.
The fact that Daniel had a title meant that his skills had something to do with palms and that he was quite good at it. Raising his hand, he motioned for him to begin the attack.
Daniel’s eyebrow twitched as the brat made a come hither motion. However, he hesitated slightly. Something at the back of his mind bothered him. The boy was too calm. There was none of the jitters or nervousness that he would expect from someone who was as inexperienced as he had been told. He was even egging him on. Something was not right.
His gut told him that there was something off about the whole thing. Deciding to end the fight quickly, he eased himself into a practised horse stance and thrust his arm forward, firing off a skill. A burst of qi left his palm, somehow retaining its shape as it flew at Valerian. It was as quick an arrow fired from a bow and as it covered the distance between the two fighters it grew in size until it became a giant brown palm two metres tall.
The brown colour of the qi betrayed its earthen nature and its soft glow highlighted the small smile on Valerian’s face as he stood still to welcome it. To the spectators, it seemed as if he took no measures against it. It seemed certain that the qi palm would smack him down. However, just before it struck him a gold sheen came over his armour.
The large earthen palm struck him, shattering as it met his defences yet leaving him completely unharmed. Valerian was not even been moved by the strike. The scene stunned the watchers who were surprised that someone would face such an attack head-on. The smile on his fa
ce grew slightly more noticeable.
“I suppose it’s my turn then!” he said swinging the mace in his hand.
His response was swift and precise. A massive wind fist hurtled towards Daniel who barely had time to prepare. Quickly, he crossed his arms in front of his face and chest in time to receive the attack. Even so, the impact was jarring. So much so that if Daniel did not lean into it when he did he could have been blown backwards.
There was a lull in the crowd as everyone focused their eyes on the stage. Daniel raised his to meet his opponents and was met with the smile he was now sure was mocking him. “YOU…” he ground out.
Daniel had been warned that his opponent was a special case and that he should take care not to hurt him too badly lest he and his school face reprisal from the Steelborns. The warning had come particularly because of how hot-headed he was. The fury in his title had good reason to be there. No one wanted his quick temper to cause an incident.
Sadly, that warning was now lost on him. His opponent was clearly looking down on him. Enduring his attack and then sending another back in the same style as if trying to make everyone know that he was better than him. From start to finish, the brat had not even taken him seriously. Daniel hated being disregarded and looked down on. As for that smile? He was going to smack it off the brat’s face.
Valerian waited for his opponent not out of malice but due to his own desire to test and prove himself. He could not help it. He was getting excited. Battles were fun.
“YOU…” his opponent yelled angrily. He did not even finish his sentence, choosing to attack instead. His arms blurred slightly from his quickened movement and volley of palm strikes begun showering on Valerian’s position.
These were not like the first one. They were much smaller, the size of Daniel’s actual palms and created from condensed qi. Thus, they flew faster and hit with greater force. Reacting instinctively, Valerian countered.
The air around him shimmered as his arcane energy forced the world essence in the vicinity to obey his wishes. The very air condensed, taking on a slight cyan glow as it shaped itself into a multitude of wind fists that launched themselves at the attacking projectiles. Every brown palm was met a wind fist and forcefully dissipated.
The crowd watched with wide eyes. Daniel’s, however, became red. The brat was doing this to make him look bad. Rather than desist from his current attack, he increased his output. Firing palm strike after palm strike. There was no way that he would back down in front of everyone. To do so would mean that the brat would succeed.
The number of energy attacks in the air doubled creating a light show that pleased the spectators. It was unbelievable. Even with the increased number of attack and the chaotic mess that the space between the two had become Valerian was still capable of meeting his opponent’s attacks with his own. With precision and skill, he targeted each attack and shot them down with his wind fists.
Eventually, even Daniel realised that he was not getting anywhere. He began to feel the drain on his reserves and was left with no choice but to stop. Once he did so Valerian did as well. Confused he stood still for a moment. The [Stone Palm Barrage] was his best ranged skill. Its mastery was the source of his title. He had never had countered in such a manner. His mind was still a little numb and at a loss for what to do. Had he just been beaten at his own game?
There was no way. With a cry of denial, his skin darkened as he infused it with earthen qi and he began to run. Lumbering towards Valerian, he barely made it five steps into his run when a bunch of thick gold chains erupted from the ground beneath his feet and wrapped themselves around him. Stunned, he squirmed and struggled, tendons and muscles straining from his efforts, but they did not give.
Instead, the chains pulled him down to his knees. He was so focused on freeing himself that it took the cries of the crowd to alert him to what came next. He glanced upwards only to come face to face with a massive blade of golden metal essence rushing forth to meet his neck.
Unconsciously, Daniel closed his eyes, unable to confront at his own death.
The crowd cried and yelled in alarm as the massive gold blade neared the kneeling Daniel. The referee even released a pulse of arcane energy to raise a shield around him. It was unneeded. Just before the spell met Daniel, it dispersed, cancelled by Valerian himself.
He now understood why Richard kept emphasising the need to keep one’s head in battle. Previously, he had thought it was obvious but seeing how his opponent had barrelled straight into his trap, one of three anchored [Jailor’s Shackles] littered across the platform, he was forced to admit that maybe it was not so to everyone.
He turned to glance towards the handlers’ station where a pleased Richard stood with his arms crossed over his chest, Avery at his side. Perhaps, this was another thing to be chalked up to good training. Then, turning back to stage, he waited for the referee to announce his victory.
Standing in the centre of the stage before his thoroughly defeated adversary and under the stunned and admiring gazes of the thousands of cheering spectators, Valerian stood and hoped that his next opponent would be more of a challenge.
Wind Borne Troubles
William Steelborn, Viscount of Cragsveil, turned to his brother. “So that is Valan’s boy!” “Not what I expected.”
James glanced away from the fighting platform to look at his brother. “I know. Much more interesting”.
Together, two of the sons of Roland Steelborn sat quietly for a moment as they considered their estranged great-nephew.
“He is a tellurian practitioner now when he had so many issues before. His body is constantly drawing the world essence in to replenish his reserves. This kind of sustainability … the size of his reserves even... I’m pretty sure we have no skills that do that. Think this is the reason for the meeting the old man called at that time? He did do so after Valan visited the compound after all.”
William spared his brother a glance. “You didn’t go to the meeting? Why?” he asked.
“You didn’t either!” James pointed out. “Besides, it was a meeting with the great elders. We are invited to sit in but not obligated to. Nonetheless, I’m now curious as to what was said and how much of it had to do with the boy before us”.
William considered it for a moment. “I don’t doubt it. But there doesn’t seem to be enough to justify that meeting being called. Unless… the meeting was more concerned with the reason or method for his sudden and miraculous recovery and power gain”.
By this point, Valerian had gotten off the stage and a new battle was taking place. The first one from Group Two, between a young lady from the Veldt clan and a Junior Acolyte of the Shadowed Hood Sect.
“Hmmm”, James let out. “That is possible. Especially if it was quite rare or precious. I’ll have someone find out. Still, there is one question…”
“Oh!” William exclaimed softly, his left brow rising curiously. “Ask away”.
“How would you rate him? What do you think his chances of winning this tournament are?” James asked.
William actually required a few seconds to mull it over. “That is surprisingly difficult. I know incredibly little about the boy and his prowess and I would have to base most of my assumptions on the match he just had”.
James nodded, acknowledging the difficulty. He still looked forward to what his brother had to say. William was always good at reading and figuring out people.
“His control over his arcane energy is exceptional. There are none his age that I know who are his match. He was able to split the standard [Wind fist] into three without even the slightest waste of energy. Moreover, he could do this en mass, reforming them and controlling each separately. That was impressive. Then again, he is a First Circle Array master of three attributes.
“However, I would be flummoxed if his control over his qi is even half as good considering how long it’s probably been at his disposal. With that in mind, I expect any tellurian skills he has to suffer some pen
alties. Despite this though, I believe he would do quite well.
“His combat awareness and acuity are noteworthy. As you saw, he was not only able to pay attention to the clash but also plan ahead. Setting concealed traps in the midst of the confusion and preparing follow up attacks. He could read the battle quite well and his self-control was miles above his opponents.
“His spell choices play into his strengths and thus far have been chosen for the situation. To be honest, I don’t see any problem with him doing well in this tournament provided this display wasn’t a one-time thing”, William finished.
“You didn’t answer my second question. What do you think his chances of winning this tournament are?” James made sure to point out.
“Slim to none, I’m afraid. If it were any other tournament then he would have no problems getting a good place in the finals. Sadly, it would appear our efforts have had more than the intended effect. While this will be good for the clan it has forced everyone to pull out their best. Right now, I’m worried about his chances of even making it through the group stages”, his big brother confided.
“Ah yes! The DriftCloud?” James acknowledged.
Together the two of them turned to look at the man who occupied the seat of honour at William’s right. Viscount DriftCloud, heir to the Count and Lord of the county of the same name. The county in which they resided. Technically, he and his father were William’s bosses.
There were many noble families and ranks in Bathar but the ones that truly mattered were the peers. These were the noble houses that held seats in The House of Lords. The ones who had not only land, title and wealth but peerage. Their ranks were structured in hierarchical order. In ascending order they were Baron, Viscount, Count, Earl and Duke.