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Page 11

  “I learnt you broke through not too long ago. And you just up and entered the Zebre? That is a decision that honestly stumped this young lord. You have some potential but doing this is a sign that you will get yourself killed early.

  “Remember that one should never pick up a stone he cannot carry. The Zebre is not a competition for weaklings like you!”

  Valerian looked on as his opponent suddenly switched over to barbed verbal attacks. Where was this coming from? Just who did this bastard think he was?

  His opponent, however, was still speaking, ignoring the dark look valerian was giving him. He sighed and shook his head as if sad before continuing.

  “Do not think that this young lord is being unduly harsh. It is just that I fear that you would understand if I do not put it this way. Your problem here is that you think this competition is a tournament for Consolidated First Tiers.”

  Valerian gave him a look as of asking, ‘What in Delrein’s name are you on about?’

  Kalian continued to speak, bearing in mind that it was not just Valerian listening to him but the entire arena. “Instead of a competition for first tiers, it should be called a competition for those not yet second tiers!”

  “I understand your confusion. The two seem to be the same but they are vastly different. Take you, for example, you have just achieved consolidation but do you know when the other competitors like this young lord did so. We have long since passed that level. That is the reason why you are so helpless before us.

  “We are in the midst of the elemental attunement necessary to break through to the second tier. Did you not notice how easy it was for me to break through your wind spells? Or how easy it was for me to undo and disperse your bindings? Even that two-bit wind tellurian from your last battle could absorb your wind spells, how more less this lord.

  “I’ll tell you this right now. None of your wind spells are capable of harming me. That is the difference between our two levels!”

  Valerian nearly went blank from the shock. That was because he realised that Kalian’s words were true. It was not like he did not know about attunement. He just did not have the time to think about breaking through to the next stage with the Zebre coming up. Besides, he possessed essence that had an intensity and volume that did not lose out to your average Lord.

  What did he have to fear? In his mind, his essence should be able to match up to anyone he met in the tournament but if his opponent was right then his wind attribute was useless here.

  Attunement strengthened the cultivator’s connection to an element. It was like Jonas told him when he was little, if essence is like tea then attributes are the different flavours of tea. Elemental attunement took this further by enhancing the flavour until it became no different from the actual thing itself. Imagine lemon tea that became like lemon juice itself.

  It also meant that your essence would become stronger and your control over that element would grow. At lower levels, this was not obvious but if Kalian had really relied on this to break free and endure the wind squall then there was no way Valerian could compete with him using the wind element. The bastard would just disrupt the spells. It was no wonder the squall did not harm him.

  He immediately abandoned his plan. He had been planning on layering wind cloak and wind speed in an attempt to catch up to his opponent’s speed but it was better to give it up. Especially if Kalian could disrupt his spell.

  “Are you trying to say that I cannot win?” he asked, keeping his voice impassive.

  “Yes! See, this young lord knew you would get it. That is absolutely right! You have no chance of making it further in this competition. If you must know, all the incompetent ones have already been eliminated. Only you are left and that is because your match is the last.

  “In fact, if not for this lord taking pity on you and wanting to play a bit, I would have ended this match a minute after it started. Surely, you have seen and felt what I am capable of”, Kalian said, running his index finger along the back of his sword for emphasis. He saw the twitch in Valerian’s temple and smiled mockingly.

  “Do not feel discouraged. You are not too bad. Truthfully, you remind this lord of himself. A little weaker but still you should be fine if you go home and train for a few years. Better yet do not enter the Zebre until this young lord grows beyond the age limit. That will be in five years but you are young. You have the time.

  “Use it to improve yourself. If you need help, seek this young lord out. I’ll give you pointers but seriously, find someone to teach you how to fight. Your close combat skills are an eyesore”.

  “What did you just say?” Valerian asked icily.

  Realising that he had hit a nerve, Kalian went for it. “This young lord meant exactly what he said. Seeing you fight made me want to scrub my eyes out. I mean, how many punches can you throw without a single one hitting anything? Your teacher must have been a wooden post. And the way you move. Dear spirits!

  “Your natural speed is not bad but there’s a more to speed than just running really fast you know.”

  “…there’s more to speed than just running really fast.”

  Those words rang in Valerian’s skull. They seemed significant somehow. “What do you mean?” he asked, his voice losing its dark tone to become curious. Kalian being the windbag he was, was happy to answer.

  “What you call would term speed is more than just going from one point to another quickly. There’s coordination, balance, spatial awareness, body control. Hmph! You can’t even control your movements properly. Even if this lord explained it there’s not much you can do about it. From what I know, the Steelborns don’t even have a single movement technique worth a damn. But what can you expect? You were born to take beatings from others.

  “We DriftClouds are different. Our legacy is penultimate. We are born and raised to be the best. To move and leave all others in our wake. Anyway, this lord is tired of speaking. I will let you have one final attack before I finish this. Use it wisely, it might not change anything but it might let me keep my good impression of you”, Kalian ended.

  However, a strange idea had crept into Valerian’s mind. “Am I to take from what you said that your clan’s movement skill is really that great? That you possess all these facets and that makes you the best?” he asked.

  “Are you mad Steelborn?” Kalian exclaimed. “Do not pretend to be stupid now. There is none in the duchy that is our match in speed”.

  “I see”, Valerian muttered. Then he added, “Say Kalian, what do you think of making a little wager?”

  For a moment, his opponent was puzzled and then a smile came over his face, “What kind of wager?”

  “A simple one”, Valerian answered. “All you have to do is avoid me until the end of the match. If your clan’s skill so great then that should not be a challenge.”

  “And the terms”, Kalian asked.

  Valerian thought for a moment before saying, “Whoever wins the wager wins the match. However, to sweeten the pot, I am willing to undertake three tasks for you without commission.”

  Kalian was confused. “What kind of tasks?”

  Valerian smiled. “It goes without saying. I am a First Circle Array Master of three attributes. I’m sure you know what sort of tasks I am capable of”.

  Kalian’s face brightened. To have an array master do three tasks for you free of charge. That was a good prize. He immediately thought of the many things he could have enchanted or the sort of talismans he could have made.

  “I want five!” he proclaimed.

  Valerian’s face changed. “I am not sure you want to continue with this wager. It appears you do not know what it is you are asking. I am a First Circle Array Master of three attributes. The youngest in an age. To this day, the only people who have obtained my work are my closest family members. The only other place you can obtain a sample is in the Array Masters Association itself and even that is the one I made during my examination.

  To offer you three is already beyond generous a
nd now you want five. Do you know how many would …”

  “It is fine. I’ll take the three as is”, Kalian quickly said.

  He realised that he had been too greedy. To be the first person to get a commissioned work from Valerian, was already prestige enough. Valerian was bound to become more famous as time went by increasing the value of his works. The first piece of which would be in his hands.

  For his part, Valerian smiled inwardly. In truth, five was not much to him. However, that did not mean that he would just hand his work out. That would reduce its value.

  “When do we start?” Kalian asked eagerly.

  Valerian looked at him, taking the time to assess whether he was making the right decision. If he went through with this, he would be unveiling one of his greatest trumps. Perhaps even something he should not. However, his gut told him he was making the right choice. Taking a deep breath, he let the change overcome him.

  A golden outline came over his body and his hair raised upwards. His qi begun to surge and his body begun to change. First, spikes erupted from his shoulders, elbows, knees and heels. Then, his hair turned into metallic bristles only with the central crest becoming a bright gold. His knuckles toughed becoming harder and his nails elongated. Finally, his wings emerged.

  These were not his actual wings but the watchers did not know that. All they saw was a great expulsion of qi from his shoulder blades which shaped itself into massive translucent golden wings. Cries of shock could be heard from all over the arena but Valerian paid them no mind.

  Hovering in the air, he stared at the man who proclaimed his clan the penultimate in speed and stated, “Let’s start now!”


  Scattering The Clouds

  The judges of the Zebre were a queer sort. They were all ancient. The youngest was nearly four hundred. True, only two had beards but you do not really need a beard to be old and the other one’s overly long moustache pretty much doubled as one.

  They were all powerful cultivators. The weakest was at the latter half of the Arcane King tier and the strongest… they were not sure. There were three of them, well three at this particular Zebre. The actual number of members was closer to twelve. It was an imprecise number because one of them passed away in his sleep the year before and there were a few of them who had not been heard from in a decade or two so twelve was about right.

  The thing that made them queer was their habits. They were all, what you would call, members of the senior generation who liked to keep an eye on current affairs. They always wished to know what was happening in the region. The Zebre was of particular interest to them

  They loved to watch the younger generations duke it out. It reminded them of their younger years and helped them to measure each generation’s strength or power. There were times when they returned to their abodes disappointed and others that they went back to their stuffy homes happy and proud that they had worthy successors.

  Truthfully, they were not a formal order or even a single group. They were just former winners of the Zebre who had grown in both might and age. They recognised each other’s leanings and shared a similar desire to keep watch over their home region. Every year, a few of their number would go to some of the major centres and officiate the Zebre.

  This year, they nearly fought. Everyone knew of the Steelborns’ power play and everyone wanted front row seats to the action. In the end, it was these three that won and they rushed over excited to see the events play out.

  To all who glanced at them, they seemed to be a group of serious elderly gentlemen. Watching the fights closely and ready to dispense judgement but in reality…

  “Hand me that wineskin, Kanlu!” the judge at one end yelled at the one on the other.

  “No! We decided on an order. Each of us would only hold one at a time. After taking a swig we’d pass it to the next person. Pass the gourd to me first. I’ll hand the skin to Burrun and he’ll give you the drinking horn”, the one called Kanlu said.

  Ataburrun ignored the other two, too busy stuffing his face with the meat and delicacies on the table. It was not like they were not taking in the proceeds. They were. It was just that it was always more enjoyable to have something to eat and drink when watching a show.

  Thanks to Kusko’o on his left. They had nothing to worry about. He was a great elder of the Shadowed Hood Sect and his illusion skills had no match in this county. No one would ever know.

  In this manner, they passed through the group stages. Eating, drinking and commenting on the matches. Honestly, The Zebre was the best time of the year.

  Valerian of the Steelborn versus Daniel of the Greater Earth School

  “I heard of this boy. He’s supposedly the youngest array master the kingdom has had in an age. I wonder if his combat skills receive such a high ranking as well”, Kanlu asked.

  Kusko’o scrutinised Valerian and made his judgement, “He has dual forces. If his arcane studies have progressed as far as they say, there’s no way that his tellurian skills did not suffer for it. However, his essence reserves are incredibly large. I wonder what the Steelborns have been feeding this kid”.

  When Valerian’s match came to a close, they opened discussions once more. “His opponent was just pitiful. What kind of idiot goes charging in without looking where he is going? Remind me to chastise boulder head about the quality of his disciples”, Kanlu stated

  “I’m disappointed in the finish as well but his opponent was just going to win anyway. To have the foresight and control to anchor a spell in the chaos whilst casting multiples of a different spell. He truly is gifted”, Kusko’o concluded.

  Their approach was the same for the other matches.

  Tirenael of the Fire Sage School versus Charles of the Northslopes

  “I can’t believe the Fire Sage School actually allow the practice of such a technique”, Kusko’o tutted.

  “Oh shut up! You only say that because you wish your sect had it”, Attaburrun refuted.

  “There is good reason why it is my sect that practices those kinds of techniques. We have a history with them. We know how to both control and cultivate them. That art will twist that boy, mark my words”, Kusko’o explained.

  “Are you saying that the people from your Shadowed Hood Sect are not twisted?” Kanlu inquired.

  Kusko’o wisely chose not to answer that question.

  Ethan of the Steelborn versus Blaine of the Swiftdeer

  “So this the Steelborn heir, how mighty!” Kanlu exclaimed.

  “He truly is. I ask again, what are they feeding their kids? This one might not possess the fine control that the other one has but his combat experience and natural strength. I dare say none of the competitors is his match”, Kusko’o announced.

  “I find his fighting style suspicious. He never transforms his whole body. Just his right arm. Is that really all he needs or is there another reason?” Attaburrun ventured.

  Valerian of the Steelborns versus Kalian of the DriftClouds.

  “Is this what the DriftClouds have been reduced to? No wonder they are losing so much to the new powers. Pah! If he was my descendant, I’d spank him until he can’t sit down!” Kanlu yelled.

  “He is quite skilled though. His movements are extremely fluid and I think he has touched on the second of the [Wind Borne Cloud]’s three levels. To do so at such a young age requires incredible talent and perception”, Kusko’o stated.

  “I’m more impressed by the Steelboy”, Attaburrun proclaimed. “It appears we are now seeing the depths of his planning. I like the way he is able to keep his cool and plan so many steps ahead.

  A few minutes later

  “See what I meant? The boy has a head for layering plans, the mark of a good strategist. That is what you call a true genius. It clear how he has amassed so many accomplishments in his meagre years. It’s a pity though…” Attaburrun lamented. “If he is unable to come up with something that changes the….” His words were quickly forgotten when Valerian transformed in front of

  “Since when could Steelborns do that?” Kanlu inquired loudly.

  “Shhh!” Kusko’o shushed him, waving at everyone to be quiet. The tables had changed unexpectedly. Not even they could have predicted what just happened. It seemed this would be the most interesting fight thus far.

  Valerian looked at his stunned opponent. “Did you not hear me? We start now!”

  “But you…ou! How?” Kalian stammered in shock.

  “Forget the how!” Valerian told him. “Think on the bet and get ready because I’m attacking, NOW!”

  With that final cry, Valerian’s ephemeral wings beat once, sending him forward. His qi surged, circulating happily whiles his heart whopped at the feeling. He was not running anymore. His feet barely skimmed the ground and yet, he was moving faster than he ever had.

  The idea came to him as he listened to Kalian speak about his clan and how they were born to be the best and the fastest. How their legacy technique made them invincible. It made him think of his family. True, the Steelborns were not fast people which was why they had so many blocking and deflecting skills. Unfortunately, those were all tellurian skills.

  Until recently, Valerian knew none of those. Now, he had four under his belt and none of them would help with his current situation. Their family produced very few arcanists. Most of these became support forces, healers, craftsmen, warders, etc. Those who became warriors often followed their own path. There were no arts like those of Harry and Clude to guide them.

  This was a failing on their part and a failing on Valerian’s. He was not comfortable being the kind of arcanist who hid behind shields and cast spells, never moving around. He was also not one of those big muscly Steelborn tellurians like his uncle. His build was purely offensive, speed and attack, not attack and defence like the rest of his clan.